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Planning Board Meeting - August 1, 2001
Minutes of the Meeting of
August 1, 2001

Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                        Gerard LeBlanc, Clerk
                        Joan DiLillo, Member
                        Gordon Coyle, Member

Member Absent:  David Harris, Vice Chairman

Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’Toole
                        Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson

I.      CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 p.m.

        Meeting of July 18, 2001

        Motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of July 18, 2001: Gerard LeBlanc
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 4-0

        Master Plan Committee

        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole said there was no quorum for the last meeting of the Master Plan Committee and no new meeting has been scheduled because she is still gathering information for Thomas Planning Services and is not ready at the present time for a meeting.  Land Planning, she said, is working on maps to be included in the plan

        Hanson Trails Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said there are no meetings of the Hanson Trails Committee scheduled.  

        Zoning Bylaw Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said the next meeting of the Zoning Bylaw Committee is scheduled for August 6, 2001.  The committee is finalizing the Adult Retirement Village and Assisted Living components of an Adult Communities bylaw to be presented at the October 1, 2001 special town meeting, she said.   
        Old Colony Planning Council Transportation Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said the Old Colony Planning Council Transportation Committee is taking the month of August off.  In response to a request from Chairman Philip Lindquist, Ms. O’Toole said she would obtain a list of dangerous intersections from the committee.

        Vision 2020

        Because she has heard nothing on Vision 2020, Ms. O’Toole surmised the organization is taking the summer off.


        Land Planning, Inc.
        Pennsylvania Avenue     
        Drainage Improvement Report from Brewster Fuller

        Bernard Munro of Land Planning, Inc. of Hanson asked the Board if it would consider allowing access from Pennsylvania Avenue to a retreat lot that currently has frontage on West Washington Street.  Town Planner Noreen O’Toole said there are significant wetlands on the parcel that would have to be crossed if access is restricted to West Washington Street.  She noted the Planning Board is responsible for this subdivision because the developer defaulted.  Board members expressed concern because the street and sidewalk would have to be disturbed. Mr. Munro said the water could be connected without digging up the street. Ms. O’Toole said work in the subdivision has almost been completed and presented the Board with a Drainage Improvements Report from its engineer on the project, Brewster Fuller of East Bridgewater. The report indicated the drainage work can be completed for $7,232.40.  There is currently $11,689.64 in the bid default account.  Mr. Munro was told that, if he attends the next meeting with a proposal for a Pennsylvania Avenue access to the lot, the Board would consider it with conditions.    

        Continued Public Hearing
        1248 & 1258 Whitman Street
        Request for Continuation to September 5, 2001 @ 8:00 p.m. & and Extension of    Time for the Board to Render a Decision to October 5, 2001
        Chairman Philip Lindquist read a facsimile transmission from Grady Consulting of Kingston requesting a continuation of the public hearing for the 1248 & 1258 Whitman Street subdivision to September 5, 2001 at 8:00 p.m. to allow time for the Board’s consultant to review the revisions and granting an extension of time for the Board to render a decision to October 5, 2001.
Motion to continue the public hearing to September 5, 2001 at 8:00 p.m.: Gerard LeBlanc
Second: Joan DiLillo
Vote: 4-0

Motion to extend the time for the Board to render a decision to October 5, 2001: Gerard LeBlanc
Second: Gordon Coyle
Vote: 4-0

        Informational Meeting
        Residents of Colonial Heights

        The Board met informally with 15 residents of Colonial Heights to discuss work remaining to be done in the subdivision which is located off High Street and County Road.  Town Planner Noreen O’Toole told the residents the subdivision was approved in 1991.  The developer had title problems in the beginning, she said, which delayed the start of the project.  The subdivision has been developed in stages, she said.  

        The last inspection was done on March 31, 2000.  The conditions at the site have not changed, she said, noting the report from Merrill Associates indicated no street signs, a number of potholes, the need for the road to be swept, and piles of debris and wood chips.  Ms. O’Toole said there is only a base coat on the roadway and sidewalks and street lights need to be installed.  The plans, she said, call for eight street lights and a sidewalk on one side of the roadway.

         The town is holding a cash bond for completion of the project of $163,000, and no money has been returned to the developer.  The estimate from the engineer for completion, she said, is $221,827.  She described the subdivision as “messy” but with a nice topography.  She noted the developer has been given a completion date for the project of November 2, 2001.

        Tom Smith of 40 Independence Avenue asked if slow children and speed limit signs could be installed and was told signs are public safety issues that come under the jurisdiction of the Police Department.

        Dan Johnson of 166 Independence Avenue asked about cleaning the streets and was told it is the developer’s responsibility until the street is accepted by the town except the town does do snow plowing in developments in the interest of public safety.

        Mary Beth Johnson of 166 Independence Avenue expressed concern with piles of wood chips, dirt and rocks and was told by Ms. O’Toole the developer would be receiving a letter within the next few weeks addressing any concerns voiced during the meeting.

        Tom Smith asked about undeveloped lots and was told the four lots on Valley Forge have not been released by the Planning Board.  The Board of Health has stated no percolation tests will be permitted on those lots until some of its concerns are addressed.

        Mary Beth Johnson said some residents had been told the developer intends to develop additional lots and was advised that no overtures have been made to the Planning Board.  Mrs. Johnson also asked about the sidewalks and curbings and was told granite curbing will be required at the curves with cape cod berms in the rest of the subdivision.  The sidewalks will be asphalt.

        Michael McCormack of 62 Constitution Avenue said he was concerned about an open manhole that is only covered by a rock at the corner of Independence and Constitution Avenues (Lot 21).

        Kristin Wozniak of 63 Independence Avenue said the area behind her house at the corner of Independence and Valley Forge has become a dumping area that includes hydroseeded lawn materials from a failed septic system. Also, she said, when it rains, Valley Forge is flooded.  Drainage is really becoming a problem, she said.

        Carole McCormack of 48 Constitution Avenue said the developer has told her that the work has not been done because he is still building houses.  She said she understood that in a few weeks, the developer would be ready to begin to address some of the issues raised.

        Daniel Sullivan of 153 Independence Avenue said water is missing Manhole # 13 and running on to Lot 10.

        Michael Govoni of 31 Independence Avenue said he also has a drainage problem.  He said he had to hand dig a trench to get two feet of  water off his property. The water is coming from the lot between his property line and the First Congregational Church.  Chairman Lindquist said water coming off private property into the street is the developer’s responsibility.  

        Carole McCormack said cars parked on Independence Avenue on Sunday mornings for services at the First Congregational Church could impede apparatus responding to a fire in the development.

        Ronald Vitti of 70 Constitution Avenue asked if Independence Avenue could be made one way and was told that would be up to the Police Department.  He said a lot of people use the road as a shortcut.  

        Kristen Wozniak said there is a hole with trees living in it at the corner of Valley Forge and Independence that fills up with water.  She said the developer said a drain is to be located there.  She said she cannot landscape her lot until problems in her area are resolved.

        Carole McCormack said a warehouse located on Independence Avenue should be moved because it is a safety hazard.

        At the conclusion of the meeting the residents were informed that the developer would be sent a letter telling him to address their concerns.  Board members said they would do personal inspections of the subdivision.


        Form A/ANR
        Spring & East Washington Streets

        The Board reviewed a Form A/ANR Plan of Land, dated July 17, 2001, submitted by Robert C. Bailey Company of  Pembroke for Stacy and Eleanor Hilly to combine Lots 1 and 3 Assessors Map 92 at the corner of Spring and East Washington Streets into one 19,096 square foot lot.

        Motion to approve the Form A/ANR Plan of Land, dated July 17, 2001 submitted    by Robert C. Bailey Company for Stacy and Eleanor Hilly: Gerard LeBlanc
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 4-0
        Memo from Selectmen’s Management Assistant
        Plymouth County Hospital Informational Meeting

        The Board noted a memorandum from the Selectmen’s office advising that Baran Partners, the developer of the former Plymouth County Hospital site will be hosting an informational meeting regarding plans for the property on August 8, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting room.  All boards and committees as well as the public are invited to attend.

        Memo from Selectmen’s Management Assistant
        October Special Town Meeting Warrant

        The Board noted a memorandum from the Selectmen’s office indicating the warrant for the October 1, 2001 special town meeting opened on July 31, 2001 and will close on August 14, 2001.
        Alden Way Subdivision
        Land Planning, Inc.
        Inspection Report and Construction Cost Estimate for Completion

        Board members took home for review a June 19, 2001 inspection report and a July 12, 2001 Construction Cost Estimate from Land Planning, Inc. for the completion of the Alden Way subdivision.
VII.    ADJOURNMENT - 9:50 p.m.

        Motion to adjourn: Gerard LeBlanc
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 4-0